Saturday, March 8, 2014

An Island Grows

An Island Grows
By Lola M. Schaefer      Greenwillow Books (2010)         ISBN: 9780066239309

Schaefer rhythmically and simplistically describes the birth of volcanic islands beginning with the initial cracking of the earth’s surface below the ocean and ending with a populated piece of land. An Island Grows serves as both an explanation for how islands came to be, but also how life can thrive on seemingly barren and rocky soil; just as the island grew, so does the life on it.

Quantitative: Lexile Level--NA; ATOS--1.4

Qualitative: An Island Grows does not offer many access points, nor does it have the complexity some picture books offer even through their illustrations. Given the content, this book would be best for second graders.

Content Area: English; Science--Earth Science; English Language Conventions.

Common Core Standards: RL.2.1

Next Generation Science Standards--Grade 2:
Use information from several sources to provide evidence that Earth events can occur quickly or slowly. [Clarification Statement: Examples of events and timescales could include volcanic explosions and earthquakes, which happen quickly and erosion of rocks, which occurs slowly.]

Curriculum Suggestions: An Island Grows may be used to introduce or simplify the creation of islands. The book can serve as a model for upper grade students to create a children’s book for a more complex science concept such as how mountains came to be. Additionally, the book could also be used to teach subject and verb agreement. Throughout the book, each sentence only has a noun (subject) and verb; all verbs rhyme. By looking at Schaefer’s use of rhyme, students could create mnemonic devices to illustrate another natural occurrence. Additionally, this text could serve as introductory piece to exploring the islands along the Pacific ring of fire, specifically the Hawaiian islands.

Additional/Digital Content:

*Meets the “Reading for Pleasure Picture Book” requirement

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