Friday, March 7, 2014

Valentine Road

Valentine Road
An HBO documentary directed by Marta Cunningham (2013)

In this documentary, filmmaker Marta Cunningham, investigates the case of Brandon McInerney, 14,charged with the murder of his classmate Larry King, 15. On February 12, 2008 at E.O. Green Junior High School in Oxnard, CA, Brandon approached Larry while the class worked in a computer lab and shot Larry in the back of the head. Larry survived the gun wound, only to die a few days later as a result of his injury.

The documentary explores how this tragic event came to be. Interviews are conducted with both friends and family of both boys, which provides insight into their character and background. When the incident occurred, Larry was living at a group home after being removed from his living situation after allegations of abuse were reported and Brandon lived with his grandfather due to his parents’ shared drug addiction. By portraying both young boys’ background, the audience begins to understand how the tragedy began years before these two boys even shared the same class.

Interviews from the boys’ teacher, Dawn Boldrin, former teachers, administrators, and attorneys add legal perspectives to the case including the logic of pursuing a hate crime conviction and trying Brandon as an adult.  It is argued that Brandon killed Larry because of Larry’s homosexuality and feminine attire, which is also argued was condoned and even encouraged by the school’s principal and Boldrin. In addition, because Brandon had just turned 14 at the time of the murder, he was eligible to be tried as an adult according to California law.

Brandon and Larry’s story really highlights how the adults in these boys’ lives failed them. The documentary does a thorough job allowing all voices from all sides be heard.

Quantitative: No Lexile Level or ATOS available

Qualitative: This film could be examined through many different lenses. Because of the sensitive nature of this film, I would recommend this for 11th and 12th graders. The film, rated NR, could pose a problem at some schools given the topics that emerge from it. The various access points, and

Content Area: English; Art--Film; Psychology; Government/Ethics; Health; Peer Resource.

Curriculum Suggestions: On the surface, this film could be used to discuss bullying or gay rights in the school setting. Beyond that, Valentine Road touches on:
  • Child abuse
  • Addiction
  • Child protective services
  • Education code--student rights and teacher rights
  • Gun control
  • School shootings
  • Juvenile justice
Teachers could have students research these controversial issues and devise solutions or methods to address them. I know this sounds very broad, but there are many angles that a teacher could target in order to create a very authentic learning experience.

Common Core Standards: SL.11/12.1-6; RH.11/12.1-3; W. 11/12.1, 4-6.

Additional/Digital Content:

  • Valentine Road Home Page-- 

  • Valentine Road Facebook Page--

  • Overview from NPR--

Personal Thoughts: Because of the local nature of this tragedy, it is important for students that live in Oxnard--where I work--understand the factors that both directly and indirectly contributed to Larry’s death. Beyond examining controversial issues, the documentary conveys the power of acceptance and compassion. It is a beautiful film that captures the horrific nature of what happened at E.O. Green and that healing must begin with remembering.

*This meets the "media item" requirement

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