Friday, March 7, 2014

Art & Max

Art & Max
By David Wiesner      Clarion Books (2010)           ISBN: 9780618756636

Wiesner shares a charming story about two lizards that experience artistic differences. Max, a novice artist, asks his friend, a serious painter, if he can paint him. Max then proceeds to drench Art with paint, covering him from head to toe in rainbow colors. Upset, Art demands that Max turn him back to his true color. In response, Maz gives Art water, which then makes Art disappear!! It is then up to Max to bring Art back to his true form. In the end, Art becomes whole again, but this time, he is just as colorful as his pal, Max.

Quantitative: Lexile Level--BR (Beginning Reader); ATOS--0.5

Qualitative: The structure of Art & Max resembles that of a graphic novel. Because this is a book designed for beginning readers, some of the boxed illustrations contain dialog while others are left to interpretation. The illustrations without dialog allows for the reader to play the role of the narrator to interpret the actions of both characters.

The book only offers two voices--Max’s voice, distinguished with green, italicized font, and Art’s voice, distinguished by plain, black font. The color of the font represents Max and Art’s personalities--Art is more uptight and rigid whereas Max is more mischievous and playful. Although this books lacks language, a beginning reader would need to have enough language to fill in the narrative gaps. Since this book plays with the literal and figurative meanings of what it means to “paint someone,” this book could easily be appropriate for students in kindergarten through 2nd grade.

The illustrations contain the richness of this story. When looking closely at the lizards, a reader will notice how distinct all of them are, with the exception of Art. It isn’t until the end of the story that Art receives his new markings. This book touches on themes of creativity and individuality that makes it accessible for all ages.

Content Area: English; Health--Relationships; Art.

Common Core Standards: RL.2.2-3

Curriculum Suggestions: This book could be used as a teaching tool to discuss creativity, individuality, and friendship. It could be used in isolation at the lower grade levels or it could serve as an introductory or supplemental text when addressing the same concepts in the upper grades.

Additional/Digital Content:

  • Art & Max: Story Mountains--

  • Art & Max coloring book--

Personal Thoughts: This book was a joy to read and is meaningful for anyone.

*Meets the “Reading for Pleasure Picture Book” requirement

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